Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just think about it...

Don't you dare say you've never done this! I am not going to deny I haven't done it myself. But here it is. Why do we gossip? I'm not talking friendly gossip of good news, or simply what's going on in someone's life(although it should be there place to tell someone, if that person doesn't know maybe they shouldn't know things about someone's life that isn't yours). I'm talking of the evil, deceitful, rumoring, horrendous gossip. The minute that someone walks out of a room it seems to be okay to just talk freely about them. Now I know no one is perfect and we have all done this to an extent. But some people think it's just okay to do this, never feels regret or remorse, never even feels the littlest bit guilty for the things they say that ruins the idea someone has of that person. Why can't we just figure out on our own what someone is like, how they act, and how they treat the friends they have and make. Let us make our own decisions on who we want to be around, or even who we ENJOY being around. It shouldn't be up to you to make that decision for us. Do you even realize that those things will soon reach that person, the feelings that will result are heart wrenching at times. I just don't get it. Now, like I said I have done this before but not to the extent I've seen it performed. Literally, people could be in the next room and they simply don't care what they say about them, as long as they're out of their line of sight. A little bit ago, someone was speaking of a person in my building and it was mentioned that a few of us thought that they were dating or would make a cute couple when each of us had first moved in. Instead of simply saying no, we've never dated, or I just don't like him like that. It turned into, "Ew, that would never happen. I have much better options open than something like that." In response I simply stated, "Well that's not very nice." Their reply, "No, you don't understand. We have a history. They're just gross and scary and need to get a hold of themselves and not be so creepy." Of course that response went on to say more things about this person that were awful. Everyone has their opinion about certain people, whether it be a good or bad one from which ever experiences you've had with said person. But I just don't get it anymore. What makes it okay for you to say things like that about a person? What is it that makes you think the things you say are somehow justified because, "you've had a history" with this person? Do you realize how much easier this thing called life would be if we all just would only mention the good we see in people or just keep our mouths shut? "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."