Tuesday, December 21, 2010

perfection will never be.

I've come to realize that no matter what I do or what anyone else tries to do. No one will be perfect, BUT the world wants perfect from you. Whether it be the way you look, how you act, or who you are as a person in general.
The world has come up with this image in their IMAGINATION of what people should and should not look like. What your weight is, what your height is, the color of your hair, the length of your hair, how far apart your eyes are, how big your nose is, what you wear, what you don't wear, how much money you have or don't have, or what you decide to eat. Whether you have come to realize it or not, it's true. You will never be perfect, you will never have everyone's approval. The only way you can make something of yourself is if you have truly come to terms with YOURSELF and no one else. Don't cut your hair/grow it out, buy different clothes, or lose/gain weight for anyone but yourself.
You are here for a reason. You are alive, breathing, and doing something on this earth. It is your choice what that is and how to go about that. You were meant to help someone in their life and have someone help you in yours. Only you can answer the questions: "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What will I do?" etc. Don't ask anyone else because it's all up to you. You need to make decisions for yourself and nobody else along the way. No it's not selfish, it's human and THE ONLY way you will find the honest and true answers.
People can inspire you, you can have heroes, and they will lead you to make your own decisions and help you have a higher understanding of greater things. But be YOUR OWN hero and you'll get even farther.
If you think you are good enough for this world than it's true. The only person who can make a correct assumption about you IS YOU. Believe in yourself and you can start your journey. You are who you are, embrace it for you. Don't change to please anyone, because if they truly care about you and need you in their life they will love you for who you are and what you want to become... they will support you every step of the way. That's what a real friend is. Stop your whining and get with it. Leave the ones behind who want to be left behind, they are meant to stay.

"Just be you and you'll already be doing what you want." -Cara Jolley

perfection is over rated.
You are good enough for this world, you just have to believe it.
♥Cara Jolley♥
☼ginger queen☼

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