Saturday, March 31, 2012

You, by yourself.

There are things in our lives that no one else will ever seem to understand. That shouldn't bother you, life is just giving you a chance to figure things out by yourself.
1: It doesn't mean you go find another relationship to fill in the holes, it won't work. I don't get the world sometimes. How can someone so easily give up on one person and move on to a complete stranger? I've come to terms that searching for something won't get me anywhere. It'll be given to me when I actually need it.
2: Stop thinking you're going to get things handed to you. Everyone has had to work for what they really want in life. Why is it that our generation seems to think that no one has done work for the things they have?
3: Now I understand we are all placed in different families, which results in different lives. I know that I was lucky to be placed in the righteous yet easygoing family that I have. If I hadn't had the family I do, I would either be dead or locked up in my basement. haha But instead of complain at how much of a horrible life you have. Change it. Get off your ass, get a job, move out, meet new people, start new. Also, learn to have a better attitude about things. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.

Learn to grow, there is nothing wrong with dealing with things on your own. But also, know when it's time to let people in to help you.

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