Monday, September 3, 2012

Yes, pretend like you know someone's life...

We've all got our own opinions or beliefs. There's a point when you go from expressing them to shoving them down someone's throat. By all means, let me know what you believe. In fact, I immensely enjoy hearing someone's thoughts and ideas on the things they may have experienced to get where they are and to believe what they believe. First, I am not one to judge anyone on what they do in their life, the choices they make. There are things I won't partake in because of experience, not because I am a small-minded child. Everyone can somewhere down the road change their idea on somethings. It could change every day. But because you think everyone should believe what you believe does not mean you should judge them for doing the opposite of YOUR opinion. It's not your life, so don't think you can tell them their opinion is wrong and they should just be okay with your ignorance.
Once upon a time, I was having a conversation with a friend expressing my feelings on my beliefs and how it was becoming harder to show them. My friend said it shouldn't matter to me what other people think. But that's the problem isn't it? We all worry what everyone else thinks of ourselves. It's almost disgusting. I see friends act like an entirely different person around other people, simply because that person wouldn't like it or it would change their thoughts on them. I've done it a few times myself. So sad that we do that to ourselves.
I was told by a complete stranger that I was going to burn in hell (of course they had more words about it) because I had a tattoo and because of my past experiences in my life. Yes, they had been eavesdropping on a conversation being had with a friend... This stranger let me know that they were a member of the LDS church and then started to shove their beliefs down my throat. I stopped them to let them know I had grown up in the church and that I too had my beliefs in the church. I then stated, "Don't judge me because I sin differently. I do believe the apostle Dieter F. Uchtdorf said that. Also, it is God's, and only God's, place to judge me for the mistakes I have made, not for someone I don't know to tell me I'm going to burn in hell for them." Instead of being kind and dropping this unnecessary conversation the stranger said, "I bet you think gay marriage should be legalized too, huh?" I must tell you it took every ounce of me not to punch them square in the face. I said, "I sure do. It sure as hell isn't your place, nor is it mine, to tell someone they can't get married." The stranger didn't say much as he walked away, just mumbling under his breath, repeating I was going to burn in hell for my beliefs and that God would never forgive me.
I have also had multiple friends with horrible experiences with the people in their ward. The judgement they got when they have a kid or are pregnant without being married. Even when someone is trying to get back to church and make the right choices and someone decides to make a rude comment or ignore them. There was a time my close friend was punched only because he is gay. Also, the man punching him in the face was a return missionary. Explain to me how punching someone for being gay, or simply telling them how they live their life is wrong, is going to get your point across? It won't. I'm sorry you haven't realized it.
This is in NO WAY a statement for you to think there is something wrong with the LDS church. Because I don't think there is. But when you put people in the scenario, it can be ruined. When someone constantly thinks about things that have been said to them they won't be able to feel the spirit. There is a repentance process for a reason. Whether you think someone is going to burn in hell for their mistakes it isn't your place to think that, let alone say it out loud. That person won't even think about going to the church to become active again or to even become a member if they are constantly reminded of their mistakes because you can't shut your mouth and be the accepting person God has asked you to be.

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